All the products will be delivered or shipped with regular shipping boxes or bubble envelopes. There will be no sensitive words or logos on the exterior of the shipping boxes. All orders that are placed before 17:00 will be shipped or delivered on the same day. If you have any special instructions for your shipping or delivery, please contact us via WeChat or email to let our team know before placing an order.
我们所有产品会严格遵守隐私发货原则,外包装上不会出现任何敏感词汇或我们品牌标识,请放心购买。当日15:00前下单的产品将会于当日发货/送达,快递公司为UPS或Canada Post。如若选择大多伦多地区本地配送,我们的配送时间为下单当日的17:00-22:00之间。如果您对于我们的配送有任何特别要求,请联系我们的微信客服备注您的单号以便于我们的送货团队知悉您的要求。